Administrator - these are the people who sort out things not covered by your Will.
Beneficiary - a person who receives something from your estate.
Bequest - a sum of money or specific item left to a beneficiary.
Chattels and movables - personal possessions, car, tools, furniture etc. but not house and land.
Codicil - an addition, amendment or supplement to an existing Will (please note that if there is a legal flaw in the original, a codicil will not correct it).
Crown - if you have no relatives and no Will, the Crown will receive the sum of your estate.
Estate - everything you own or have a share in at the time of your death. For tax purposes, this can include gifts made in the last seven years of your life.
Executor(s) - the person(s) or organisations(s) that you appoint to administer your Will (note that they can refuse the task even if they agreed in your lifetime).
Executrix - female of executor.
Inheritance tax - the current threshold is £325,000 (2023/2024 tax year); plus the new main residence band of £175,000 giving a total allowance of £500,000, a anything above this threshold is taxed at 40% (at the time of writing, March 2024) or at 36% for anyone donating 10% or more of a professional will be able to advise you on how to minimise the impact on Inheritance Tax.
Intestate - the term that the law uses to describe one who dies without a Will or no valid Will.
Intestacy - the state of being intestate Legacy - a specific sum left to a beneficiary.
Probate - the legal process of validating the Will and appointing an administrator if needed.
Residue - what is left of your estate when all bequests, debts, legal and funeral costs have been deducted.
Residual Bequest - the gift of the residue of your estate; this is conditional on there being a residue.
Spouse - the person to whom you are legally married. Marriage usually nullifies previous Wills.
Testator - yourself, if you are making your own Will.
Testatrix - female term of testator.
Trustee - the name for an executor who is appointed to handle whatever part of your estate that has
Executors and Guardians
Financial Considerations When Making a Will
How to make a Will?
Inheritance Tax
Lasting Power of Attorney
Organ Donations, End of Life and Hospice Care
Planning Your Funeral
Special Types of Wills
Useful Contacts/Organisations
What happens if I die Intestate?
Where Should I Keep my Will?
Why make a Will?