With age, most people suffer from a degree of hearing loss. The NHS provides good quality digital hearing aids for free. Although the NHS largely issue hearing aids that fit “behind the ear”, there are more discreet hearing aids available such as the open fit and some may issue receiver in the canal hearing aids.
Buying privately is an option, but we advise people to do their research and shop around. Ensure that the private dispenser is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council and that you do not feel pressurised into buying a particular make or model of hearing aid. Some audiology services in England are under the Any Qualified Provider scheme and further information about this can be found here www. nhs.uk
Royal National Institute for Deaf provides expert information on hearing aids. Visit www.rnid.org.uk
Cancer Services
Care Services
Complementary Therapies
NHS E-Referral Services
Eye Care
Hearing Aids
Infertility Treatment
Obesity Treatment
Paying for Private Healthcare
Physiotherapist, Podiatrist, Osteopathy, Chiropractic
Pre-paid Funeral Plans
Private Healthcare Services
Private Medical Insurance
Skin Care
Useful Contacts/Organisations
Women and Mens Health