impact on life - healthcare publishing

Relationship Difficulties

Planning a baby can often be a very stressful time, certainly for couples who may have been trying for a while without success, emotions may get the better of you and before long arguments start to happen which puts a strain on your relationship.

Unfortunately there are a number of couples who break up whilst planning a pregnancy or during the term and also once the baby is born, the important thing is to not feel alone if you are facing relationship difficulties, there are a number of support groups you and your partner could turn to, such as relate, for more information log on to

It may be that you both decide the best way forward for yourselves and your new baby is to separate and therefore you should seek professional advice in the shape of a mediator or solicitor or both, to help you deal with the separation as amicably as possible.

Domestic Violence

Although pregnancy and parenthood should be cause for celebration, for one in three women, domestic violence will be something they have to deal with at some stage in their lives. Sadly, 30 per cent of domestic violence is thought to start during or immediately after pregnancy and birth.

If you are living with domestic violence, both you and your baby are at risk and you should not have to tolerate this situation. You can speak in confidence to your midwife, GP, health visitor or social worker and they will be able to offer you advice about steps you can take to stop the abuse or seek a refuge.

There are also a number of organisations who will be happy to advise and support you, so that you are able to care for your baby in a safe environment such as Womens Aid, visit their site at

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