impact on life - healthcare publishing

Bereavement Support & Advice

In the event of bereavement, grief and personal distress may make it hard to deal with urgent practical matters and formalities. Please use our website to find the help you may need with:

What to do after a death

  1. Medical Certificate Confirming Cause Of Death
  2. Medical Examiners
  3. If Someone Dies Abroad
  4. Registering a Death
  5. Who can register a death?
  6. The Death Certificate
  7. The Coroner
  8. Post-mortem
  9. Other Practicalities
  10. Organ Donation

Wills and Probate

  1. Finding The Will
  2. The Estate
  3. House Clearance
  4. Leaving a legacy to charity in your will
  5. Rules of Intestacy
  6. Lasting Power of Attorney
  7. Probate
  8. Inheritance Tax

Advice and Counselling

  1. Coping With Your Grief And Loss
  2. Child Bereavement
  3. Useful Contacts
To download the Bereavement Support and Advice Publication please select the relevant area: